Why Network Marketing?

Traditional Market

Manufacturer makes a product.
Cost: 20Rs.
[Note: The Company also spends in TV Ads and other posters etc for marketing]

Carry and Forward that connect Mfg to Distributor
Cost: 40Rs.

Distributor sells to Whole Seller
Cost: 50Rs.

Whole Seller to Retailer
Cost: 60Rs.

Retailer to Customer
Cost: 80Rs.

Customer (The heavy Tax Payer)
Cost: 120Rs.

Network Market

Manufacturer makes a product. (healthy and quality)
Cost: 20Rs.

RCM PUC (a company shop which takes no extra charge and gives the items to Direct Seller)
Cost: 40 Rs.

Direct Seller (The consumer as well as Distributor also earns a commision of upto 32% on the purchase)
Cost: 40Rs.

RCM Commission System

RCM Marketing plan works on Multi Levels and has a BV Plan System. Direct Sellers purchase products from the store and on a purchase of 100Rs they get Business Volume of about 45-75% that varies with products, i.e., 100Rs=45-75BV. Commission is calculated on this basis ,i.e., we have a certain slab that add up to the percentage of commsion we get based on our purchase.
The BV is calculated out of Team Business. It's a two way business where there are two legs one is called the Power Leg and the other is called the Secondary Leg. Both the legs consist of Direct Sellers that you bring under your supervision and together the team works you get the complete benefit.

In the above mentioned picture the blocks in YELLOW color are BV which means that if a person purchases product of 100-4999BV will under the commission slab of 10% so if he has 3000BV his/her commission would be 300Rs.
In addition to this the Team Business Volume(BV) also works. For example refer to the below picture.

Here as you can see that 'YOU' has purchased only 5000 BV whereas his team (Power Leg: 110000BV and Secondary Leg: 60000BV) adds up the Business to 110000+60000=170000 which makes 'YOU' at the slab of 26.5% and then there's addition 5000BV of 'YOU' which makes 175000BV and so instead of getting 12% of 5000BV 'YOU' get's 26.5% of 5000BV.
	Calculation: 5000BV * 12% = 600Rs.
	but, 'YOU' get's : 5000BV * 26.5% = 1325Rs.
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M/S Sabita Sarkar and Family