Manufacturer makes a product.
Cost: 20Rs.
[Note: The Company also spends in TV Ads and other posters etc for marketing]
Carry and Forward that connect Mfg to Distributor
Cost: 40Rs.
Distributor sells to Whole Seller
Cost: 50Rs.
Whole Seller to Retailer
Cost: 60Rs.
Retailer to Customer
Cost: 80Rs.
Customer (The heavy Tax Payer)
Cost: 120Rs.
Manufacturer makes a product. (healthy and quality)
Cost: 20Rs.
RCM PUC (a company shop which takes no extra charge and gives the items to Direct Seller)
Cost: 40 Rs.
Direct Seller (The consumer as well as Distributor also earns a commision of upto 32% on the purchase)
Cost: 40Rs.
Calculation: 5000BV * 12% = 600Rs. but, 'YOU' get's : 5000BV * 26.5% = 1325Rs.
M/S Sabita Sarkar and Family